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Our Position


The Springville Christian Church is a congregation of immersed believers in Jesus Christ. We accept the Bible as the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God, and as the only authority for our faith and practice. We long to speak where the Bible speaks and where the Bible does not speak to grant, in love, the liberty of opinion. One of our slogans has been: "In essentials, where God has spoken, unity; in non-essentials, where God has not spoken, liberty of opinion; and in all things, love."


We accept Jesus Christ as the only head and Lord of His Church. He purchased the Church with His own blood. The Church is His by ownership. It is ours through the privilege of a personal relationship with Christ. Under Christ's lordship we have elders who serve as spiritual overseers of the local congregation and we have deacons who help and assist the elders in carrying out the ministry of Christ through our local congregation. We plead for "no creed but Christ", and He is to have preeminence in all things in the Church.


We proclaim the same plan for salvation as did Jesus and the apostles. They declared one must hear the Gospel of Christ (Romans 10:12-17); believe in Jesus as the Son of God (John 3:16); repent of sins (Luke 13:3); confess Christ before others (Matthew 10:32); be baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38); and live a life of faithfulness to Christ and His Church

(Revelation 2:10).


We plead for a unity with all believers through a restoration of non-denominational Christianity. We have no denominational organization over the local congregation that tells us what to preach or teach, what missionaries to support, where or how to spend the money given to the Lord, what literature to use, or what ministers to call. We wear no denominational name to separate us from other professed followers of Christ. We wear no name but Christian and desire to be "Christians only", but we do not profess to be the only Christians. We are free and independent of all denominational control.


We observe the Lord's Supper each Lord's Day. We strive to make it a central part of our worship experience. Through the Lord's Supper we remember Christ (Matthew 26:38), share in Christ's body and blood (I Corinthians 10:16), examine ourselves spiritually (I Corinthians 11:28), and proclaim Christ's death until He comes again    (I Corinthians 11:26).


We also endeavor to practice New Testament stewardship. Each Lord's Day we worship Christ as we dedicate our tithes and offerings to Him. We give proportionately according to how God has prospered us (I Corinthians 16:1,2). We seek to give joyfully, because we know God loves a cheerful giver (II Corinthians 9:7). We know God is the source of every blessing and the giver of all good things.


We want you to know that we are here to be servants for Christ's sake. If we can ever be of any ministry to you at any time, in any way, please feel free to contact us.

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